Kids Can Blog Too!
Hello Deep Blue Heroes,
Welcome to our Deep Blue Blog. We have reserved this space on our website just for you. Yes, amazing, wonderful, smart and unique, you! You now have the chance to test out your skills at becoming a content creator. Do you know what a content creator does for work?
A content creator is someone who comes up with very interesting information to share with their viewers, and a blog is just one of the platforms they share their ideas on.
Have you ever wanted to share your creative thoughts with an audience? Well here’s your chance to become a content creator and write your very first blog post! If you are passionate about protecting our waters from plastic pollution, you may enjoy sharing your unique ideas on how to save our oceans, in a blog post, on our Deep Blue Blog, posted on our Deep Blue Cleanup website.
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What’s a blog post? Well I’m glad you asked. Blogs are a very popular medium to communicate ideas to a specific audience. You may wish to start your own blog one day if you have many ideas on a certain topic that you’re passionate about. Professional bloggers post almost everyday! It’s important to enjoy what you write about if you’re going to be posting often, and it’s also important that you write something interesting for your audience. Do you know who your audience would be?
At Deep Blue cleanup we know who our audience is. Can you take a guess at who it might be? Well it’s you!
Image Source: How-to-define-the-target-audience-of-your-mobile-app
Our target audience are students who care about keeping our planet clean, and who believe in the four R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Refuse! We are passionate about writing ideas and tips for you to read on how to take care of our planet, and this is why it’s easy and fun for us to create many blog posts for our Deep Blue Heroes to read and comment on! We know that the best way to get kids to learn about the environment is by reading posts that other kids have written. Kids have amazing ideas and we can’t wait to read what you come up with!
Here are some simple steps for blogging on our Deep Blue Blog:
1) Decide on a topic (our audience wants to hear about anything and everything eco-friendly!)
2) Surf the net with the help of your parent or guardian, to find inspiration from other bloggers who have already written about your topic so that you can see examples of what a blog post might look like.
3) Conduct your research and create a draft of what you want to post.
Make sure to keep track of all your sources so you can properly reference them afterwards- in Microsoft Word, they have a great free referencing tool at the top of the app!
4) Keep it short and simple
5) Make sure it’s unique and memorable, like you!
6) Add some interesting photos or charts that go with your post, and be sure to include the source below the image.
7) Be sure to reference all your work (this means if you’re using someone’s idea, it’s important for your readers to know, whose idea it was) Example below.
8) If you have important information, facts, quotes, or statistics, it can look nice to bold these small sections to have them stand out.
9) Congratulations on your first blog post. You are a content creator! :)
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