November Candy Wrapper Cleanup
Calling All Deep Blue Heroes to help with a Post-Halloween Cleanup!
Image source:
Halloween is a fun and nostalgic time for everyone young and old. Halloween 2020 was a bit different this year with pandemic restrictions, but everyone still managed to enjoy the holiday in a covid-friendly way. Unfortunately, the weeks following Halloween you can see plastic candy wrappers scattered around the streets, at schools, parks, etc.
People often think little pieces of litter like candy wrappers, are not as harmful than larger items, but smaller, lighter items are light and easy to be carried by wind or rain and carried into waterways. Candy wrappers are not recyclable, so they end up in landfills or in the environment. For this reason, we are encouraging all Deep Blue Heroes to go for a walk in their neighbourhood in the next few weeks and pick up some Halloween trash! Clean and use the candy wrappers you find to make cute, recycled crafts or Christmas gifts!
Image source: Melanie Abdelnour
On fun ideas of what to with your Halloween candy wrappers, check out our blog post on Candy Wrapper Crafts @ Show us your Halloween trash haul, and/or your candy wrapper crafts by finding us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and using the tag #DeepBlueCleanup #HalloweenCleanup! 😊
Write a post about your neat candy wrapper craft, add pictures and sent it to us at, for a chance to be featured in our Deep Blue Blog!
Image source: Hannah Beckstead